Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Past Possibilities (Past Modals) Lesson

I've seen a few of this woman's videos and they were both pretty good. This one is about expressing past possibilities with modal verbs (just like we've been working on in class). Check it out and take a look at her website: http://www.englishwithjennifer.com/

Riddle homework

Riddle #3

There are six eggs in a basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that one egg is left in the basket?

Leave a comment:
ex: The eggs could have ...
      The basket might have ...
      The chicken may have...
      The people must have ... 

Riddle Homework

Riddle #2

How could a baby fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live?

Leave a comment:
ex: The baby could have ...
      The building might have ...
      The ground must have ... 


Riddle Homework

Riddle #1

A man and his son are in a car crash. They both go to different hospitals in different ambulances. The doctor walks in to the ER and says "I can't operate on this boy. He's my son!" How could this be?

Leave a comment:
ex: The surgeon could have ...
      The boy might have ...
      The ambulance may have...
      The father must have ...

Monday, December 17, 2012



The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16 in 1773. American Patriots didn't want to take out the tea that came from England, because the English government increased tea taxes. The Patriots threw chests of tea into the harbor. They said: " No taxation without representation". After that American people began to fight for independence from England. This fight finished when they passed the Declaration of Independence.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Past Modal Exercises

Sorry, I should have posted these yesterday because then you could have been studying  them all night. ;)

Links to past modal exercises:

(I only got 70% on this one)

This is an explanation with a link to a quiz at the end. The quiz is okay, but I think that different modals could work in several of the sentences. Anyway, the website has a lot of information and it was recommended by Oksana (passive voice!).

(I only got one answer right on this quiz!)

Besides the one that Oksana recommended, I haven't had much luck finding a good online exercise for past modals. So, this is an invitation:

1. If you find a past modals exercise you like, put it on the blog
2. If one of the exercises confused you, post a question about it on the blog
3. If you disagree with one of the answers that the quiz gives, post a question about it and we can discuss it as a class.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Shrinking Middle Class

This is the video about bankruptcy and household debt in the U.S. 
I think we watched it about 20 times. 
Why not make it 21?

I could have danced all night

Here's the video we watched today. I think my favorite part is when she's still singing even though the servants are putting her nightgown on. 

What's your favorite part?
Leave a comment!

Lyrics: click here


Monday, December 10, 2012


The Top 10 Credit Mistakes.

·        This article recommends not to close credit cards accounts that you don’t use any longer.
·        This article recommends using the card once every few months for dinner or a low dollar item like socks or a new belt. Once the bill comes, pay it in full.
·        This article urges everyone not to miss payments.
·        If you have a big debt, you can ask bank make less your debt, but it’s not a good idea. This article recommends finding a way to pay them, or you can arrange a deal with lender so that they will not to report to FICO.
·        My article recommended using 50% or less of your credit limit.
·        This article urges everyone not to use store cards!
·        If you want to know your credit score you can call FICO or use the website myfico.com.
·        This article recommends getting a free copy of your three credit reports by using the website, www.annualcreditreport.com.
·        This article recommended using credit for building good credit history and score.
·        This article recommends knowing your Rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

An angry girl

An angry girl

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

America's Credit History

It seems like many of you are surprised and confused about how common credit cards are in the U.S. This video might give you some interesting information about their history.
Post a comment!
Ask a question!

The Top 10 Credit Mistakes

The Top 10 Credit Mistakes

An article that explains the most common mistakes people make when dealing with credit.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Homework 12/3/12

Homework 12/3/12

1. Find an image (using google image) that shows one of the feelings from the feelings vocabulary sheet.
2. Post it on the blog and label it with the feeling (just like some of you did in class).
3. In the comments, write about three possible things that had made the person in the picture feel that way.

If you are confused about how to make a new post, you have three options:
      1. You can read the instructions and watch the video on this page: help. You can also look at general information about using our blog here: more help.
      2. You can write your sentences as a comment on someone else's picture.
      3. You can write sentences about a feeling, but without a picture.


1. He felt lonely because everyone else had left the island to escape the storm.
2. He felt lonely because he had just arrived in a new country and he had spent the whole day walking alone on the beach.
3. He felt lonely because he had just left English class and he missed his teacher and his classmates.

