Monday, December 3, 2012

Homework 12/3/12

Homework 12/3/12

1. Find an image (using google image) that shows one of the feelings from the feelings vocabulary sheet.
2. Post it on the blog and label it with the feeling (just like some of you did in class).
3. In the comments, write about three possible things that had made the person in the picture feel that way.

If you are confused about how to make a new post, you have three options:
      1. You can read the instructions and watch the video on this page: help. You can also look at general information about using our blog here: more help.
      2. You can write your sentences as a comment on someone else's picture.
      3. You can write sentences about a feeling, but without a picture.


1. He felt lonely because everyone else had left the island to escape the storm.
2. He felt lonely because he had just arrived in a new country and he had spent the whole day walking alone on the beach.
3. He felt lonely because he had just left English class and he missed his teacher and his classmates.

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